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Updated 13/06/2024
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Reviewed by Dr Jill Gamberg and tip added, and referencing style updated.
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Written by

Liv Steigrad

Updated 13/06/2024

What changed?

Reviewed by Dr Jill Gamberg and tip added, and referencing style updated.
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What is Bronze Cover?

Bronze Cover is the second lowest of the four tiers of Hospital Cover. It’s generally a more affordable option than Silver or Gold, but also provides fewer benefits, so it’s really important that you are absolutely clear on what a Bronze Policy will cover you for, and just as importantly, what it won’t. 

To put it into perspective, Basic, the lowest tier, is only required to include cover as a private patient in a public hospital for rehabilitation, hospital psychiatric services, and palliative care – and these are restricted or partially covered, and that’s it.  

Bronze Cover is a decent step up from Basic. Bronze includes those three categories as well as 18 others, including joint reconstructions, gynaecology, chemotherapy, diabetes management, brain and nervous system and tonsils.

What are the different Health Insurance tiers?

Bronze Cover: get the facts

What is Bronze Plus Cover?

While insurers have a minimum list of services they must include under each policy tier, they are welcome to add extra services at their discretion. If they add several extra services, then they’ll generally add a ‘plus’ to the policy name.

Some insurers offer such a level of cover in between Bronze and Silver, called Bronze Plus. Because there are no rules about which additional treatments insurers can include, what’s covered under Bronze Plus with one fund could be quite different from what’s covered by another.

AHM’s Core Bronze Plus, for example, covers all the minimum Bronze treatments, plus additional procedures like back, neck and spine, and lung and chest. Bupa’s Bronze Plus Simple Hospital, on the other hand, doesn’t cover back, neck and spine, but it does include sleep studies.


How much does Bronze Cover cost?

Different Insurance Providers have different prices for their Bronze Cover. As a rule of thumb, a Bronze policy from a particular provider will cost more than their Basic policy and less than their Silver policy. There’s a good reason for this, though – the more expensive the tier, the more treatment categories it covers. And so by the same logic, a Bronze Plus policy will generally cost more than a straight Bronze policy.

But remember, the price of Bronze policies between insurers can vary quite a bit, which is why it pays to shop around! And there are a bunch of things that can change how much you’ll pay for a Bronze policy, such as which state you live in, how old you are and your taxable income.

Who is Bronze Cover suitable for?

Because Bronze Cover doesn’t include many treatments, it’s not going to suit everyone. If you’re young and healthy (lucky you!) and want some peace of mind, but you’re more concerned about budget than high coverage, then Bronze could be a great choice. It has provisions for some conditions you might want to be prepared for just in case, like tonsilitis and joint reconstructions. But if you have health needs that are a little more complex, like asthma or scoliosis, Silver could be a better fit for you.

Helpful Tip:

Bronze Cover offers unrestricted cover for 18 clinical categories and restricted cover for three treatment categories: rehabilitation, hospital psychiatric services, and palliative care. Restricted cover means that if you receive any of these treatments as a private patient at a public hospital, your insurance will cover some of your costs – but not all. If you think you might need any of these types of treatments, it’s worth reading the fine print and asking your provider exactly what they’ll pay for. If you want unrestricted cover for any of these three, you’ll need to go all the way up to Gold Cover.

Dr. Jill Gamberg

GP and Lifestyle Coach

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does a Bronze tier policy cover?

What’s not included in Bronze Cover?

Where can I compare Hospital Cover?

Want to Know About The Other Tiers of Hospital Cover?

iSelect does not compare all health insurance providers or policies in the market. The availability of policies will change from time to time. Not all policies available from its providers are compared by iSelect and due to commercial arrangements, your stated needs and circumstances, not all policies compared by iSelect are available to all customers. Some policies and special offers are available only from iSelect’s contact centre or website. Click here to view iSelect’s range of providers