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Our range of Home and Contents partners

iSelect does not compare all providers in the market or all policies offered by our partners in your area. Not all policies or special offers are available to all customers and some may only be available over the phone or on the website. Learn more.

What is Home and Contents Insurance?

Have you become more of a homebody in the last few years? Yeah, us too. Our homes seem more important to our physical and mental health these days. Home and Contents Insurance can help cover the cost of damages to your home and possessions after an insurable event.

What can be covered by Home and Contents insurance?

Storms, fire, earthquakes, lightning, malicious damage – all of these events are not things we want to be on the receiving end of. But if they happen, Home and Contents Insurance can help to cover the repair or rebuild of your property, as well as the cost of replacing certain possessions.

Sum Insured Home Contents Calculator

This handy calculator helps estimate the replacement cost of your home contents using information supplied by Sum Insured Pty Ltd

What different Home and Contents products are available?

Home Insurance

Typically, the top priority for what happens in your house is just a bit of peace and quiet and a nice cup of tea. But if something unexpected happens, a Home Insurance policy can help cover the cost of repairing or replacing your house. We know that’s scary to think about but Home Insurance makes it less so.

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Contents Insurance

Do you have a cool guitar? Antique furniture? A full DVD set of The Jersey Shore? (Hmm, maybe that last one is just us). All of these treasured items can be covered by Contents Insurance. In short, contents insurance can help cover household items and personal belongings if they’re lost, stolen, or damaged.

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Landlord Insurance

Renting out your home for a bit of extra cash? Landlord Insurance is designed for homeowners renting out their property to tenants. Similar to home insurance, a typical policy can include cover for damage to the property from storms, fire, lightning, theft, and malicious damage. You might also be able to add contents cover, helping to cover the cost of replacing locks or any stolen or damaged contents provided for the tenant.

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Contents Insurance for Renters

Renting these days is unpredictable enough. But a contents insurance policy for renters could give you that much needed peace of mind. It can help cover your belongings in the event of storm damage, fire, theft, malicious damage and even burst pipes. Then you can just relax and watch those Jersey Shore DVDs (don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone).

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Helpful Tip:

Don’t overlook the importance of flood cover. Even if it comes at an extra cost, it can save you from costly repairs down the line. Weigh up the flood risks in your area and think hard on whether you need the extra protection.

Natasha Etschmann

Investor & Personal Finance Educator

Average Home and Contents Insurance premiums in Australia

Our interactive graph shows the average Home and Contents Insurance premiums for iSelect customers across Australia from July 1st 2022, to June 30th 2023.

Source: Average Home and Contents Insurance premiums for iSelect customers from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 

Frequently asked questions

What is Home and Contents Insurance?

What is Contents Insurance?

What does Home and Contents generally cover?

Are phones and jewellery covered by contents insurance?

How much does Home and Contents Insurance cost?

Does Home and Contents Insurance cover all kinds of damage?

What is Landlord Insurance?

How does Contents Insurance work for renters?

How does ‘Excess’ work with Home and Contents Insurance?

What does ‘new for old’ mean in Contents Insurance?

How to compare Home and Contents Insurance

Where can I find cheap Home and Contents Insurance?

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iSelect does not compare all home and contents insurers or policies in the market. The availability of policies may change from time to time. Not all policies available from iSelect’s providers are compared by iSelect and due to commercial arrangements, area or availability, not all policies compared by iSelect will be available to all customers. Some policies are only available from iSelect’s call centre or website. A number of our participating general insurance brands are arranged by Auto & General Services Pty Ltd ACN 003 617 909 on behalf of Auto & General Insurance Company Limited 111 586 353, both of which are related entities of iSelect Limited. Our relationship with those companies does not impact the integrity of our comparison service. Click here to view iSelect’s range of providers.

iSelect General Pty Ltd ABN 90 131 798 126, AFS Licence Number 334115. Any advice provided by iSelect on this website is of a general nature and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You need to consider the appropriateness of any information or general advice iSelect gives you, having regard to your personal situation, before acting on iSelect’s advice or purchasing any policy. You should consider iSelect’s  Financial Services Guide  which provides information about our services and your rights as a client of iSelect. iSelect receives commission for each policy sold that is a percentage of the premium or a flat fee. Ask us for more details before we provide you with any services.