Car Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

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Last Updated 23/10/2023
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Written by

Mel Basta

Last Updated 23/10/2023

What changed?

Added new questions and checked references and sources for existing content to make sure they’re up to date and correct.
Our aim is to help you make better informed decisions. That’s why iSelect’s content is produced in accordance with our fact-checking and editorial guidelines.

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General Questions
Comprehensive Car Insurance
Third-Party Property and Third-Party Fire and Theft
Car Insurance Excess
How it works
Managing your policy
Mods and classic cars
Claiming on Car Insurance
Cancelling Car Insurance


What is car insurance?

What are the different types of car insurance?

What is compulsory third-party (CTP) car insurance?

What can comprehensive car insurance cover?

What affects the price of car insurance?

What’s the cheapest car insurance?

What’s the best car insurance?

What is a nominated driver?

Which drivers must be listed on my policy?

What’s the difference between agreed and market value of a car?

Can you insure a hail-damaged car?

How can I pay for car insurance?

Comprehensive car insurance

What is comprehensive car insurance?

What’s the difference between CTP and comprehensive insurance?

Are there any exclusions with comprehensive cover?

What’s the difference between comprehensive and third-party car insurance?

Does comprehensive car insurance cover fire and theft?

Does comprehensive car insurance cover windscreen replacement?

What happens if my car is a total loss?

Third-party property and third-party fire and theft

What is third-party, fire and theft insurance?

What is third-party property insurance?

What’s the difference between third-party property insurance and compulsory third-party (CTP) insurance?

Car insurance excess

What is a car insurance excess?

Does the excess apply to each accident or incident?

Can I change my car insurance excess?

Is there a driver-age excess?

Is there an unlisted-driver excess?

Who pays the excess on a car insurance claim?

Do I have to pay an excess if my car’s been stolen?

Do I have to pay an excess if my car’s been damaged by hail?

Do I have to pay an excess if my car’s windscreen has been cracked or smashed?

Do I have to pay an excess if my car’s been vandalised?

Do I have to pay an excess if my car’s a write-off?

How it works

Can I insure a car that has been written-off previously?

Can I get car insurance if I have had a suspended licence?

Are older cars more expensive to insure?

What happens if I let my car insurance lapse?

Does car insurance cover me if I drive for a ride-sharing service like Uber?

Managing your policy

How can I find out about my car insurance claims history?

Can I get car insurance for multiple cars under one policy?

How can I see and change my car insurance policy details?

How do I change my contact details?

I’m selling my car – what do I need to do?

I’m moving house – do I need to let my insurer know?

Can I transfer car insurance to another car?

What is the process of renewing a policy?

How do I add a learner driver to my car insurance policy?

Mods and classic cars

Can accessories and modifications be covered?

Am I covered to drive off-road or on the beach?

What qualifies as a classic car?

Claiming on car insurance

What should I do if I have a car accident?

How do I make a car insurance claim?

How long do claims take to process?

How do providers assess car insurance claims?

How does my insurer handle damages caused by a hit-and-run accident?

Cancelling car insurance

How do I cancel my car insurance?

Do I have to pay any fees when cancelling my car insurance?

Am I eligible for any refunds when cancelling my car insurance?

iSelect does not compare all car insurers or policies in the market. The availability of policies may change from time to time. Not all policies available from iSelect’s providers are compared by iSelect and due to commercial arrangements, area or availability, not all policies compared by iSelect will be available to all customers. Some policies are available only from iSelect’s call centre or website. A number of our participating general insurance brands are arranged by Auto & General Services Pty Ltd ACN 003 617 909 on behalf of Auto & General Insurance Company Limited 111 586 353, both of which are related entities of iSelect Limited. Our relationship with those companies does not impact the integrity of our comparison service. Click here to view iSelect’s range of providers.

iSelect General Pty Limited ABN 90 131 798 126, AFS Licence Number: 334115. Any advice provided by iSelect is of a general nature and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You need to consider the appropriateness of any information or general advice iSelect gives you, having regard to your personal situation, before acting on iSelect’s advice or purchasing any policy. You should consider iSelect’s Financial Services Guide which provides information about our services and your rights as a client of iSelect. iSelect receives commission for each policy sold that is a percentage of the premium or a flat fee. Ask us for more details before we provide you with any services.