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Last Updated 21/06/2024
What changed?
Reviewed by Dr Jill Gamberg and helpful tip added. MLS threshold also updated.
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Written by

Mel Basta

Last Updated 21/06/2024

What changed?

Reviewed by Dr Jill Gamberg and helpful tip added. MLS threshold also updated.
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iSelect does not compare all providers in the market or all policies offered by our partners in your area. Not all policies or special offers are available to all customers and some may only be available over the phone or on the website. Learn more.

What is Singles Health Insurance?

Simply put, Singles Health Insurance is Health Cover for one person, rather than multiple people, which you’d find on a Couples or Family Policy.

What are the benefits of Singles Health Insurance?


Just like you can be single at any age, you can get Singles Cover at any age. And just like being single in general, Singles Cover gives you choice. You get to choose which TV show to watch, whether or not to blow your whole salary on a motorbike, AND which Health Insurance Policy is suitable for you, whatever your individual requirements might be.

Take advantage of Extras

Extras Cover could include some of the things that generally aren’t covered by Medicare. This includes services such as dental and optical. If you’re going to make regular use of any services like these ones, it could well be worth the Extras premium.

Skip the Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS)

The MLS is a scheme that encourages people to take out Private Health Insurance in order to take some pressure off Medicare. From 1 July 2024 if your taxable income is over $97,000, you have to pay it … unless you have Private Hospital Cover (and meet a few other criteria). Yep, you can get insured and get out of paying a surcharge at the same time.

Skip Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) Loading

Surprise, LHC Loading is another scheme that encourages people – this time, specifically young people – to take out Private Health Insurance. If you wait until you’re 31 or older to take out Hospital Cover, your premiums become more expensive. If you get your ducks in a row before age 31, congrats! No LHC Loading for you.

Should I get Singles Health Insurance while I’m young? 

You’re young, free and ready for a spontaneous adventure! But wait – before you sign up for that skydiving class, are you curious which types of Health Insurance might cover you for ankle injuries? 

If you’re lucky enough to be young and healthy, you might still want to make a plan for unexpected or non-urgent health issues. If you’re treated for these in the public system, you could have a pretty long wait for treatment. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, in 2022–23, 50% of public patients in public hospitals waited at least 49 days for elective surgery.1Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Elective Surgery

Say you do hurt your ankle in that epic skydiving session, and your doctor recommends surgery. Relying on Medicare and the public system, it’s likely you’ll have to wait, but with a suitable Hospital Cover, it’s possible you could get it sorted sooner via the private system and get healing faster.

Helpful Tip:

Taking out Health Insurance solo? One advantage is that you can choose the policy that’s perfect for you.

For Hospital Cover, you can choose between four levels of coverage – Basic, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. No matter which provider you choose, the same tier will contain the same treatments. (You can also choose a ‘plus’ policy, which contains the minimum treatments for the tier plus added treatments that you require.)

Dr. Jill Gamberg

GP, Coach and Lifestyle Medicine Coach

How users rated our service

Health Insurance for singles: get the facts

What are the different types of Health Insurance for singles?

What is Hospital Cover and how could singles benefit from it?

What about Extras Cover for singles?

What is Combined Cover?

Can I switch to Couples or Family Cover if my circumstances change?

What if I have pre-existing conditions?

Is Couples Cover cheaper than two singles?

Are there any age-based discounts?

How can I find Singles Health Insurance to suit my life stage?

iSelect does not compare all health insurance providers or policies in the market. The availability of policies will change from time to time. Not all policies available from its providers are compared by iSelect and due to commercial arrangements, your stated needs and circumstances, not all policies compared by iSelect are available to all customers. Some policies and special offers are available only from iSelect’s contact centre or website. Click here to view iSelect’s range of providers