Compare Gas Plans in Australia

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Last Updated 15/12/2023
What changed?
Updated sections on what to look for when comparing Gas Plans, included information about gas prices
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Written by

Francis Taylor

Last Updated 15/12/2023

What changed?

Updated sections on what to look for when comparing Gas Plans, included information about gas prices
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How much am I paying for gas?

Of the 1,000 Aussies we surveyed in May 2023, 78% were worried that higher power bills were yet to come.1iSelect commissioned i-Link Research to conduct a national online survey between 28 April and 3 May 2023. The sample is n=1,000 Australians 18+ years, with data weighted to represent the population by age, state and gender, and is representative of all Australian adults 18+. Nobody wants this amount of stress when it comes to bills we haven’t even received yet!

While finding a new Gas Plan may not be as epic a quest as anything a hobbit has ever embarked on, every great quest does start at home. For you, this means getting comfy in your favourite chair with your latest gas bill in your lap. And don’t worry, you won’t need a calculator close to hand. All you need to do is pinpoint two charges:

  • The daily supply charge: This is the cost of supplying gas to your property, even on days when you don’t use gas. It’s a flat fee, so it stays the same no matter how much gas you use.
  • The usage charge: This charge reflects how much gas you use and will show up as cents per megajoule (c/MJ). Depending on your plan, you might see a few different usage charge rates based on how much gas you use.

These numbers will be your guiding lights when comparing other Gas Plans. All you have to do is compare the supply and usage charges across plans.

How do I get the best deal on my gas bills?

While your supply and usage charges will help you compare, they won’t always give you the full picture of any Gas Plan on the market. If you’re keen to see what different Gas Plans can offer you, look out for the following.


Discounts aren’t just for groceries, petrol or that new TV you’ve been eyeing off. Just make sure to read the fine print on any Gas Plan discounts; some of them are only conditional, meaning you need to do something to get them. This could be paying bills on time or by direct debit, for instance.


On the flipside of discounts, different Gas Retailers may charge additional fees on their plans. These can include fees for late payments, choosing paper bills over electronic ones and even fees for leaving the plan before the contract is up. As you’re looking over plans, keep an eye out for any fees attached. FYI: your existing Gas Plan may have exit fees, so you might want to factor these into your decision to switch.

Rate type

As you’re checking out charges on prospective plans, be mindful of what types of rates they come with. Variable rates can go up and down with changes in the energy market, while fixed rates will stay the same right through their fixed price period. Each rate type has their pros and cons. You could luck out with a variable rate that’s lower than a scuba diving trip in the Mariana Trench, or you could sit back and relax on your fixed rate while everyone else watches their variable rates trend up.

How much does gas cost in Australia?

Where gas prices aren’t regulated in Australia, you’re dealing with a competitive retail market. Essentially, you’re the prize and Gas Retailers want to put you in their pool room. How they choose to woo you is up to them (and some strict regulations). One of the ways can be offering lower prices than others on the market.

But, like a game of limbo, these prices can only go so low. This is because retailers need to purchase their gas on the wholesale market and still turn a profit.

As you can see on the map below, wholesale gas prices in different areas of Australia vary slightly

Source: Australian Energy Regulator – Gas market prices 2022-23

Of course, it’s more than just the wholesale price that goes into the overall gas prices you’re charged — these also include things like transporting the gas and environmental obligations — but they can help you get an idea of what to expect.

What else should I look for when comparing Gas Plans?

Value isn’t just about price, so you might also want to look into:

  • Contract types: Will your next Gas Plan be flexible or have a lock-in period?
  • Green energy options: Gas Providers may offer carbon neutral programs to help cancel out emissions from your gas usage.
  • Bill smoothing: To help budget for your gas bill, you may be able to get the bill as smaller more regular payments.

Quick Tip

Bundling gas and electricity into the same plan with one provider can seem like a no-brainer. But while it can make things convenient, it doesn’t guarantee savings. In some cases, choosing different providers might be cheaper than buying a bundle.

Where can I find and compare Gas Plans?

Congratulations! You’re prepped and ready to start comparing Gas Plans. And we’ve got a way to make it even easier for you. You can use our online comparison tool or give us a call on 13 19 20 to compare a range of Gas Plans from different providers in a matter of minutes. It’s simple, convenient and free.

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iSelect does not compare all energy providers or plans in the market. The availability of plans may change from time to time, depending on who iSelect’s providers are and what plans they make available to iSelect. Not all plans made available from iSelect providers may be compared by iSelect either due to commercial arrangements, area or availability, so not all plans or providers compared by iSelect will be available to all customers. Some plans and special offers are available only from iSelect’s contact centre or website. Energy plans are available only for properties located in eligible areas of Victoria, New South Wales, South East Queensland, South Australia and ACT. Click here to view iSelect’s range of providers.

  • 1.
    iSelect commissioned i-Link Research to conduct a national online survey between 28 April and 3 May 2023. The sample is n=1,000 Australians 18+ years, with data weighted to represent the population by age, state and gender, and is representative of all Australian adults 18+.