Home and Contents Insurance Northern Territory

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Last Updated 28/03/2024
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Written by

Ellie Garran

Last Updated 28/03/2024

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Moderate rewrite for tone and to differentiate between other states
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What are the benefits of home and contents insurance?

Home and contents insurance is like a security blanket for your beloved home, and the things inside it. Unfortunately, in the NT, you’re faced with the possibility of a range of natural disasters occurring. Home and contents insurance can help make that possibility a bit less scary.  

For example, in recent years, the Northern Territory has been battered by cyclones, bushfires and flooding. Because of these kinds of extreme weather events, it makes sense that you might want to consider a level of home and contents insurance that could help not only protect your home and dearest possessions but also provide peace of mind. 

What’s NT’s average home and contents insurance premium?

In 2022–23, Territorians spent an average of $2,922 on home and contents Insurance. That’s pretty close to north Queensland’s average of $2,918 and way behind north WA’s huge $4,395. The rest of Australia averaged $1,779.2Australian Competition & Consumer Commission – Insurance monitoring, p2 The difference comes down largely to cyclone risk – the areas that are significantly more expensive are also at greater risk of cyclones.

What factors can affect the cost of home and contents insurance in the Northern Territory?

Your cyclone risk

In the NT, like other parts of northern Australia, cyclone risk drives up insurance premiums significantly. And within the NT, the Top End has higher premiums than Central Australia because of its higher cyclone risk.

Your level of cover

This one’s pretty straightforward (but don’t ask us to do the maths). The more comprehensive your coverage and the more extras you choose, the more it will likely cost. Similarly, the more expensive your home and contents are, the more likely they’ll cost to insure.

Your claims history

If you’ve made previous claims on your home and contents insurance, that can indicate to insurers that your property is at higher risk of damage. Unfortunately, that can potentially mean you pay higher premiums.

The construction and age of your home

An older house could be more expensive to repair, which can mean higher premiums. After cyclone Tracy in 1974, NT building codes were changed to make houses more cyclone safe. So if your house was built before 1975, it’s worth checking how this might affect your premiums.

What are the risks to your home and contents in the Northern Territory?

In the NT, a big risk to your home and the things inside it is the weather. Specifically, cyclones. Cyclone risk in northern Australia is such a big factor driving insurance premiums that the Australian Government has a cyclone reinsurance pool to help insurers bring down their premiums in cyclone-prone areas.  

And while cyclones are more than enough for anyone to have to deal with, they’re unfortunately not the only weather event to keep on your radar (pun intended). The NT also has its share of floods and bushfires, and climate change has increased the number of days with dangerous bushfire conditions.

What does home and contents insurance cover in the Northern Territory?

Home and contents insurance is a combo deal: you get the features of both home insurance and contents insurance in one policy. Most policies include provisions for storms, including cyclones. 

What does home insurance cover in the Northern Territory?

Home insurance (also known as building insurance) is designed to cover you for repairs if your building is damaged. As well as your house itself, it can also cover other physical structures on your property, such as sheds, fences, or in ground swimming pools. 

What does contents insurance cover in the Northern Territory?

In a surprise to no one, contents insurance is designed to cover the contents of your home. If any of your belongings, such as appliances, whitegoods, or furniture are stolen or damaged, contents insurance might be able to help you replace them.

Do homeowners in the NT need landlord insurance?

If you’re a landlord, you’re likely interested in protecting both your property and your rental income. Landlord insurance can help you do that. Like standard home and contents insurance, it can cover your property, as well as any of your belongings that stay in the property. On top of that, it has provisions specifically for renting your property out, such as being protected for lost income if you don’t receive an expected rent payment. 

What kind of optional cover can I get in the Northern Territory?


If you’re in an area that’s prone to flooding and your policy doesn’t include flood cover, you might want to add it. It’s worth knowing that flood cover might not include every type of flooding. For example, damage caused by rainwater or a burst pipe might be covered by standard cover instead.

Personal effects

Personal effects are things you routinely take outside the house, like jewellery. You can get personal effects cover for specific belongings or for unspecified ones, up to a certain limit.

Accidental damage

Got a dog who likes to sprint into the furniture? Want to be covered in case they ever knock over the TV or that priceless vase? Enter accidental damage cover. You won’t usually find this type of damage covered in standard home and contents policies, but it’s sometimes available as an extra.

Motor burnout

Do you worry that a precious appliance might get damaged during a power surge? Good news. If that happens, motor burnout cover is specifically designed to help you replace it.

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iSelect does not compare all home and contents insurers or policies in the market. The availability of policies may change from time to time. Not all policies available from iSelect’s providers are compared by iSelect and due to commercial arrangements, area or availability, not all policies compared by iSelect will be available to all customers. Some policies are only available from iSelect’s call centre or website. A number of our participating general insurance brands are arranged by Auto & General Services Pty Ltd ACN 003 617 909 on behalf of Auto & General Insurance Company Limited 111 586 353, both of which are related entities of iSelect Limited. Our relationship with those companies does not impact the integrity of our comparison service. Click here to view iSelect’s range of providers.

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