CTP Insurance Tasmania

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Last Updated 09/12/2024
What changed?
Updated CTP premium cost. Added key points to summary.
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Written by

Francis Taylor

Last Updated 09/12/2024

What changed?

Updated CTP premium cost. Added key points to summary.
Our aim is to help you make better informed decisions. That’s why iSelect’s content is produced in accordance with our fact-checking and editorial guidelines.

Reviewed by

Toby Hagon

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Long story short

CTP is compulsory for Tassie drivers

In Tasmania, CTP insurance in included in your vehicle registration. It is essential as it covers medical costs and loss of income if someone is injured in a car accident.

CTP insurance costs in Tassie

For a standard car, the CTP premium is $318 annually – making it the most consistently affordable in Australia.

No fault coverage

All parties are protected, regardless of who caused the accident. The injured party – and even the at fault driver – can receive CTP insurance benefits.

CTP doesn’t cover everything

CTP insurance excludes cover for instances such as vehicle damage, property, or theft. Consider additional car insurance for more comprehensive coverage.

Do I need CTP insurance in Tasmania? 

You sure do! Anyone who drives on Tassie’s public roads is required to have CTP insurance. In Tassie, it’s included as part of your vehicle registration because the cover it provides is so important. Basically, if you injure someone in a car accident, it helps cover their medical costs and loss of income. And think of it this way: without CTP, you might be the one who ends up paying thousands of dollars in compensation costs! 

How does CTP work in Tasmania? 

CTP insurance in Tasmania works under a no fault basis. This means that even if a driver injures someone because they weren’t paying attention to the road, their CTP insurance will still help cover the medical costs that the injured person suffered. 

Put simply? It doesn’t matter whose fault the accident was. The injured person will always receive benefits from the CTP insurance. Even the person who caused the accident may be eligible for benefits if they are injured

The Motor Accidents Insurance Board (MAIB) also oversees the CTP scheme in Tasmania. And, because they’re a government entity, you won’t have to deal with any private companies where your CTP is concerned. You’ll pay your premiums directly to them each time you renew your registration. 

If a driver is doing something illegal when they have a crash, then they might not be eligible for certain benefits under the CTP scheme. For instance, if they were drink driving, or driving without the right kind of license, then their benefits could be reduced or forfeited. Following the traffic laws is an easy way to help keep your CTP intact so that you can receive its benefits when you really need them.

Toby Hagon

Motoring Journalist

What else does my CTP insurance cover? 

When we say that CTP insurance can cover you for medical costs, there’s actually a little bit more to it than just that. In Tasmania, CTP provides compensation for all eligible drivers, pedestrians, and other road users. It pays for: 

  • Reasonable medical and hospital costs
  • Long-term care if someone is seriously injured
  • Loss of income
  • Rehabilitation
  • Disability allowance
  • Funeral costs and dependency benefits for fatal accidents 

Your Tasmanian CTP insurance will also cover you if you get into a car accident while driving in another state or territory. Just keep in mind that the accident must involve a car registered in Tasmania. 

Additionally, it’s important to note what CTP won’t cover. This can include: 

  • Loss or damage to your property and personal effects
  • Damage to your vehicle or any other vehicle
  • Fire, theft, or vandalism 

The repair or replacement costs for these kinds of damages can be pretty steep, too. For this reason, it might be worth considering some additional car insurance. Policies like third party property damage, third party fire and theft and comprehensive insurance can really help fill in the gaps that CTP leaves. 

How is CTP different from other car insurance? 

Injuries to other people Damage to other people’s cars or property Damage to your car caused by fire or theft Accidental damage to your own car 
Third party property 
Third party fire and theft 

How is CTP different in Tasmania? 

Most states and territories have their own way of dealing with CTP insurance, and Tasmania is no different here. In fact, there’s a few key areas where Tassie stands out as particularly unique: 

  • Low cost: Tassie drivers rejoice! CTP insurance is consistently cheaper in your state than any other state or territory. In December 2024, for a standard car, the CTP premium is $318 per year for Tasmanians.1Motor Accidents Insurance Board – About the MAIB, Premiums & Vehicle Classifications (effective 1 December 2024) Noticeably cheaper than the cost in Queensland and Victoria.
  • Premium structure: Whereas in some states (like NSW), in Tassie your premium isn’t decided based on your age or where you live. For Tasmanians, your premium is based almost entirely on the type of vehicle you drive—although ride-share drivers do end up paying a little more.
  • Single insurer scheme: Much like drivers in Victoria, Western Australia, and the Northern Territory, drivers in Tassie don’t get to pick between insurers for CTP. There’s only one enterprise, the MAIB, that offers CTP insurance so Tassie drivers don’t have the option of choosing between different CTP providers.   

What if I drive an off-road vehicle? 

Most vehicles in Tasmania have to be registered, even if you only use them occasionally on a public road. And off-road or recreational vehicles—like trail bikes, dune buggies, or all-terrain vehicles—may require some form of restricted registration. 

But here’s the good news: there’s no registration fee for off-road registration. However, a regular CTP premium for your vehicle can still apply. Heck, even if your vehicle doesn’t need to be registered, it might still be a good idea to get CTP cover in case you have an accident. Just imagine what might happen if you end up injuring someone! You might end up having to pay all of their medical costs. 

You can also arrange CTP cover through your local Service Tasmania centre. Alternatively, if you’re not sure whether your vehicle actually needs CTP cover, you can also chat to MAIB on 1800 006 224. 

How do I make a claim with CTP? 

Unfortunately, even on the safest roads, accidents can still happen. And Tasmanians know that their state has some nerve-racking drives (looking at you, St Mary’s Pass!) That’s why Tassie has its CTP scheme in place: so if you do get injured in a motor vehicle accident, you’ll be eligible for a range of benefits to help you recover. 

Making a claim to get the help you need is also pretty simple. You’ll just need to do the following: 

  1. Report the accident to a police officer (provided the police did not attend the scene).
  2. If you are injured, complete the Application for Benefits form and lodge it with MAIB within 12 months of the accident. 
  3. If you were the driver and/or owner of a vehicle involved in an accident, you need to fill out a Notice of Accident form.  

The above forms can also be found on the MAIB website

Where can I find and compare car insurance policies? 

If you need some extra protection on top of your CTP policy, then we can definitely help. You can compare policies from a range of different providers using iSelect’s online comparison tool.  

By comparing the prices and benefits on offer, you might just be able to find the comprehensive or third party car insurance policy of your dreams! So why not get started today? It’s quick, free and easy. 

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