Seven Great Options for Extras Cover When You’re Pregnant

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Last Updated 08/08/2024
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Reviewed by Dr Jill Gamberg and helpful tip added.
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Written by

Liv Steigrad

Last Updated 08/08/2024

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Reviewed by Dr Jill Gamberg and helpful tip added.
Our aim is to help you make better informed decisions. That’s why iSelect’s content is produced in accordance with our fact-checking and editorial guidelines.

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Ellie Garran

Reviewed by

Dr Jill Gamberg

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I need cover for…

When it comes to Hospital Cover, Gold is usually the only tier that covers pregnancy and birth. But when it comes to Extras, you have more freedom to pick and choose what suits you. Here are some ideas to get you started: 

1. Pre- and post-pregnancy classes  

There are a range of courses and classes specially designed to help parents-to-be and new parents trying their best to navigate life with a newborn (no doubt, sleep deprived!). 

These can include birthing classes or courses (often called prenatal or antenatal classes), breastfeeding support, sleep settling consultations, pre or postnatal visits from a registered midwife and compression garments. 

Different insurers will cover different things, so it’s worth figuring out what you’re interested in and what your insurance covers. 

2. Remedial massage and myotherapy 

Pregnancy and birth can take a toll on the body. The good news is that there are plenty of practitioners that offer pregnancy-safe massages or myotherapy sessions especially designed to help soothe some of the unique aches and pains that can arise.  

Some funds are more generous than others with their limits. While you’re shopping around for an Extras policy to use while pregnant, think about how many massages you’re actually likely to fit into nine months! You don’t want to end up paying for extras you won’t use, but you also want to make sure you have coverage for something you use often. 

3. Psychology and mental health 

When you’re pregnant, your body needs a lot of extra care, but don’t neglect your mind! You might have heard of postpartum depression, but did you know that depression and anxiety during pregnancy is pretty common, too? In fact, a recent study of pregnant Queenslanders found that, in 2022, 18.4% of respondents experienced anxiety, while 16.3% experienced depression.1NewsGP – Spike in perinatal anxiety and depression

While a previous history of depression and anxiety can be good indicators, even people with no prior history can experience mental health challenges during pregnancy and after childbirth, so it’s a good thing to consider looking for in your Health Cover. Many health funds offer extras policies that include mental health cover, which could help ease the expense of visiting a psychologist or counsellor and help you through a very exciting but often daunting time. 

When it comes to psychology and mental health services on your private health cover, all ten Medicare sessions (mental health treatment plan) need to be exhausted before you can use your extras to claim.  

4. Gym membership 

Keeping up your fitness has plenty of health benefits for both you and your baby. It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program while pregnant, though. Some funds will pay a benefit towards your membership at affiliated gyms, or even contribute to personal training sessions (if recommended and documentation is completed by your doctor). 

5. Natural therapies 

Acupuncture and osteopathy are two natural therapies that can be used to address common pregnancy-related symptoms like nausea and physical discomfort. Medicare does not cover natural therapies and private health insurance only covers some of them. If you think you’d like to access these kind of natural therapies during your pregnancy, make sure you have adequate cover under your Extras policy.   

6. Travel and accommodation 

Did you know that if you live more than 200 km from your specialist or hospital, you might be able to claim back some travel and accommodation costs through your Private Health? This can be a great benefit if you live in a rural area or a smaller town without the specialist services you need. 

7. Dental care 

When you’re pregnant, the  pregnancy hormones in your body can make gums more sensitive to dental plaque and can lead to gum disease and tooth decay, leading to dental issues during or after pregnancy. While that doesn’t happen to everyone, most Extras Policies already include some level of Dental Cover

Helpful Tip:

It’s worth remembering that extras usually have a waiting period, generally between 2 and 12 monthsKeep this in mind when taking out a policy or switching to a new one when you are planning a pregnancy, so you’re not left footing the whole bill for these services.

Dr. Jill Gamberg

GP, Coach and Lifestyle Medicine Coach

Where can I find and compare Health Insurance? 

Navigating pregnancy can be pretty overwhelming! Sorting out your Health Insurance may feel like one more thing to worry about, but having a suitable policy can give you invaluable peace of mind. The iSelect team can take care of one item on your pre-baby to-do list and help you find the policy best suited to your unique needs. Compare policies yourself online or call 1800 784 772 and get personalised help from our friendly team. 


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iSelect does not compare all health insurance providers or policies in the market. The availability of policies will change from time to time. Not all policies available from its providers are compared by iSelect and due to commercial arrangements, your stated needs and circumstances, not all policies compared by iSelect are available to all customers. Some policies and special offers are available only from iSelect’s contact centre or website. Click here to view iSelect’s range of providers