Green Slip Car Insurance

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Last Updated 11/01/2024
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Francis Taylor

Last Updated 11/01/2024

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Reviewed by Toby Hagon and expert tip added.
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Whether it’s called ‘Green Slip’ Insurance or ‘CTP’, you need to know what it covers. Why? Because if you own a car, you have to have it. That’s right—everyone in Australia needs to have some kind of Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance before they can get on the roads. And in NSW, that means you’ll need to get a Green Slip.

What is Green Slip/CTP car insurance?

A Green Slip is a car insurance policy that helps provide compensation for people killed or injured in a motor vehicle accident. Without it, you might be required to pay for an injured person’s medical costs (among other things!) if the accident is your fault. These costs can also be quite high, ranging from thousands to even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

What’s different about Green Slip/CTP insurance in NSW?

Green Slip (or ‘CTP’) Insurance varies from state to state. The big difference in NSW is that drivers need to choose their own Green Slip insurance provider before they register their vehicle. There are currently six licensed insurers who offer green slip insurance policies.

Helpful Tip:

Car Insurance is a great way to protect yourself, but there’s a lot of ways that may help prevent accidents from even happening in the first place. A car with great safety features such as cameras, blind spot warning systems and autonomous emergency braking can assist the driver if they make a mistake. But not all advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are created equal, so make sure you do your research when buying a new car – and test the technology on roads your familiar with before signing on the dotted line.

Toby Hagon

Motoring Journalist

Does it matter what insurer I choose to go with?

All Green Slips will give you the same, basic level of protection. However, some insurers will offer additional types of cover and incentives, so it’s always a good idea to check out what’s included in the policy and how much cover you’ll get. Once you’ve purchased your policy, your chosen insurer will then work with NSW’s State Insurance Regulatory Authority to sort out your car registration.

At iSelect, we don’t compare Green Slip car insurance, but when it comes to additional cover, such as Third Party PropertyThird Party Fire & Theft, and Comprehensive, we may be able to help. Click here to start comparing from our available policies and providers.

Are there different types of Green Slip/CTP insurance?

Generally, there are two different types: either a 6-month or 12-month policy. The only other options are available to motor owners and fleet dealers. However, if you drive a historic vehicle, a purpose-built vehicle, or any other limited road access vehicles, you might only be required to get a conditional registration or an unregistered vehicle permit.

What does Green Slip/CTP insurance cover?

Green Slip Insurance typically covers anybody who gets injured in a road accident, regardless of who was at fault (unless you’re charged with a dangerous driving offence). You’ll usually get to claim up to a year (52 weeks) of the following:

  • A percentage of your pre-injury weekly income if you need to take time off work. 
  • Any necessary treatment and rehabilitation expenses (the amount you’re able to claim back will differ depending on your policy). 
  • At home support services if you need help around the house while you recover. 

If you find yourself seriously injured after being involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may also be able to claim benefits beyond one year.

How are Green Slip insurance premiums calculated?

Green Slip insurance is mandatory and there’s a set price range that all insurers follow, but the price can still differ depending on the risk level of a vehicle and its driver. There are a few things that can influence this, including:

  • Vehicle owner or driver age 
  • Your safety record 
  • Any demerit points you have 
  • Claims history 
  • Vehicle age 
  • Where the vehicle is kept 
  • Whether or not your vehicle is comprehensively insured

Who’s covered by your Green Slip insurance?

Anyone injured by your vehicle is generally covered by your policy. This usually includes the following:1NSW Government | State Insurance Regulatory Authority – What is a Green Slip? 

  • You, your passengers or anyone else driving or riding in your vehicle.
  • The drivers, passengers and riders of any other vehicles that are injured by your vehicle in the accident.
  • Cyclists, pedestrians and other road users that are injured by your vehicle

What is generally not covered by Green Slip insurance?

Green Slips don’t cover the cost of damage made to any vehicles or property that are involved in an accident. For this kind of additional cover, you might consider looking into other insurance types, including Comprehensive, Third-Party Property or Third-Party Fire and Theft.

If I have an accident in a different state am I still covered by Green Slip insurance?

Yes, Green Slip insurance insures NSW drivers all over Australia no matter where the accident involving your vehicle occurred, even if it was on private land. However, some states and territories will not cover your medical costs if the accident was your fault. This is the case for South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland—although exceptions might be made depending on the severity of your injuries.

What happens if my Green Slip expires?

If your Green slip expires you need to organise a new one to be able to register your car. If you renew your Green Slip after the due date, make sure you wait until you’re covered before you get on the road or you could be fined.

Are there situations where I can get a refund on my Green Slip?

You might be able to get a partial refund. However, this will depend on your insurer—and even then, it’s usually only when your car becomes unregistered. 

The registration will have to be cancelled for specific reasons, too. This might be because it gets ‘written-off’, which means it’s so damaged that it would cost more to repair than to replace. Or because it gets stolen. Or if you get it scrapped at an auto-wrecker. 

You can also cancel your car’s registration whenever you want by going to a Service NSW Centre. However, you’ll want to speak to your insurer and find out if you’re even eligible for a refund in the first place. Typically, they’ll also ask for a letter or receipt that shows when the registration was cancelled.

What happens if I sell my car?

Just like the registration, the Green Slip stays with the car and is transferred when the registration is transferred. In many instances the new owner may have different circumstances – including their postcode and crash risk – but that will not change the premium until it is renewed.

What information do I need to give my insurer when organising a Green Slip?

Honesty is the best policy. When buying a Green slip, it’s important to give accurate information about your vehicle, yourself, and anyone else who might be driving your car. Your insurer will most likely ask for the following information: 

  • The year you bought your car 
  • The make and model of your car 
  • Your postcode (where you keep your car) 
  • The age of anyone who might drive the car 
  • Demerit points 

Looking for additional cover on top of your Green Slip? Compare quotes with iSelect

At iSelect, we can help you compare comprehensive car insurance policies on offer from our range of providers. Start comparing online here or call our friendly team on 13 19 20.

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