Why compare car insurance with iSelect?
Why compare car insurance with iSelect?
We help you easily compare, select and save on car insurance policies.
Over 400,000 people came to iSelect in 2022
to get help with their car insurance**
Compare a range of brands and products
We’ve partnered with a range of car insurance brands, giving you a variety of features and benefits to choose from. It’s always about price!
No additional cost to you
You do not pay an extra cent for our comparison service, or for over-the phone support from our trained consultants.
Helping Aussies for over 20 years
Founded in 2000, we’ve remained committed to your mission of helping Australians save money.
We’re a one stop shop!
We hear you! There’s a thousand things you’d rather do with your time than compare car insurance products. That’s why iSelect is here to help save you valuable time, effort, and money with our simple comparison service allowing you to compare from our range of policies and providers.
Outstanding customer service from our Aussie team
Our team of friendly, trained car insurance consultants are available to help at no additional cost to you. If we can’t help you find you a better deal, we’ll be honest about it and tell you.
Get started on comparing car insurance policies!
Save time and effort by comparing a range of car insurance quotes with iSelect