PD Insurance

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Last Updated 21/09/2023
What changed?
Updated sources, added new section on optional Extras available for Comprehensive Cover.
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Written by

Francis Taylor

Last Updated 21/09/2023

What changed?

Updated sources, added new section on optional Extras available for Comprehensive Cover.
Our aim is to help you make better informed decisions. That’s why iSelect’s content is produced in accordance with our fact-checking and editorial guidelines.

Edited by

Laura Crowden

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PD’s car insurance plans are simple and low cost yet value rich.  

PD Insurance was established in Newcastle, NSW many years ago to shake up the car insurance industry and offer their customers some great deals.  

What kind of insurance does PD Insurance offer? 

PD Insurance has a simple mantra: low in cost, high in value.1pd.com.au – HomepageThat’s why they offer low-cost car insurance for all kinds of cars and all kinds of people. Their comprehensive car insurance is their most popular policy because it balances a bevy of different features with a reasonable price.  

Why choose PD Insurance? 

PD Insurance offers car insurance that’s easy on the wallet and easy-to-follow. But on top of this, they also offer some pretty cool features.  

Their optional extras—which we’ll look at in a bit more detail later—include things like an excess buster. This is a rarity among car insurers where you can pay a little bit extra on your premiums to get them to cover your standard excess once a year. 

This makes PD a name to keep in mind for cost-effective car insurance. Heck, they even made it clear that they don’t charge extra for cars with darker colours—the kind more likely to get into an accident2pd.com.au – The Safest Car Colours — just so long as you don’t have a custom paint job.3pd.com.au – 5 Car Insurance Myths You Should Stop Believing Not too shabby at all! 

What policies does PD Insurance offer? 

You can expect the usual range of car insurance policies from PD Insurance. However, PD distinguish themselves with affordable rates and features that provide added protection.  

  • Third Party Property Damage Insurance: This is the cheapest car insurance that PD offers. It’s meant for drivers who just want to cover themselves if their car causes any damage to other people’s vehicles or property. 

    Sure, it won’t cover your car, but it can spare you from forking out your own money. Just imagine if you got into a crash with someone’s expensive Bentley! This policy can give you up to $20 million to cover the repair costs.4pd.com.au – Third Party Property Insurance
  • Third Party Fire and Theft Insurance: This is the next step up in cover from PD. It gives you the same cover as Third Party Property Damage insurance, then adds some extras into the mix. Not only does it cover any damage caused to someone else’s property, it can pay out if your car is stolen or damaged in a fire—up to policy limits, of course. 

    Plus, it includes some useful, extra features: they’ll cover some of the costs for a hire car if your vehicle is stolen,5pd.com.au – Third Party Fire & Theft but be sure to read their Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Limits may apply!
  • Comprehensive Car Insurance: PD’s top-of-the-line cover. It gives you all the cover you can expect from the first two policies, but it also covers the repair costs for your car if it’s damaged in a car crash, by hail, by flood, by fire or by storm.6pd.com.au – Comprehensive Car Insurance

    There’s plenty of neat features included here, too. For a start, you’ll receive free window glass repair if it can be repaired rather than replaced, a new vehicle or the Market Value for your car if it’s stolen or written-off at less than 12 months old, emergency accident repair cover for your car of up to $500, the reasonable cost of towing / storing your car if it’s damaged in an insured incident and can’t be safely driven and a hire car for up to 14 days if yours is stolen.7pd.com.au – Car Insurance For Fans PDS (Page 11-15) For full details, refer to your policy documents and conditions may apply. 

What kind of optional extras can I get?

Excess Buster8As Above (Page 11)Instead of having to pay a Standard excess when you make a claim, PD will cover the cost once per year. Conditions apply.  
Hire Car After Incident9As AboveIf you get into a collision or some other kind of insured incident, PD Insurance will pay for a hire car to help you get around. Conditions apply.  
Vehicle Contents Cover10As Above (Page 12)Covers up to $750 if certain items inside your car—clothes, groceries, personal belongings—get damaged or stolen. Conditions apply. 
Windscreen and Window Glass Replacement11As AbovePD will cover up to $1000 in order to replace a damaged windscreen or window glass that can’t be repaired. Conditions apply. 
24/7 Roadside Assist12pd.com.au – Third Party Property Damage InsuranceExactly what it says on the tin: you’ll be able to call for PD’s roadside assistance at any time.  


All of these optional extras will cost a little bit extra on your PD Car Insurance policy. Have a good think about whether they suit your circumstances. Do you already have roadside assistance with someone else? Could you cover the cost of a replacement windscreen if worse came to worst—or would you rather have your insurer cover it? 

How do you make a claim with PD Insurance? 

PD Insurance is all about making the claims process simple and smooth. You can lodge your claim with them in a few, quick steps:13pd.com.au – Car FAQ (Claims | How do I file a car insurance claim?)

  1. Go to your online member portal on the PD Insurance website.
  2. Login, click on ‘Lodge a Claim’ and fill out the details of your claim.
  3. All done! One of their team members will give you a bell and run you through the next steps.  

Remember, if your car is stolen, you’ll also want to report this to the police ASAP. This will make the claims process go a lot easier and it might even help you get your car back.

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iSelect does not compare all car insurers or policies in the market. The availability of policies may change from time to time. Not all policies available from iSelect’s providers are compared by iSelect and due to commercial arrangements, area or availability, not all policies compared by iSelect will be available to all customers. Some policies are available only from iSelect’s call centre or website. A number of our participating general insurance brands are arranged by Auto & General Services Pty Ltd ACN 003 617 909 on behalf of Auto & General Insurance Company Limited 111 586 353, both of which are related entities of iSelect Limited. Our relationship with those companies does not impact the integrity of our comparison service. Click here to view iSelect’s range of providers.

iSelect General Pty Limited ABN 90 131 798 126, AFS Licence Number: 334115. Any advice provided by iSelect is of a general nature and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You need to consider the appropriateness of any information or general advice iSelect gives you, having regard to your personal situation, before acting on iSelect’s advice or purchasing any policy. You should consider iSelect’s Financial Services Guide which provides information about our services and your rights as a client of iSelect. iSelect receives commission for each policy sold that is a percentage of the premium or a flat fee. Ask us for more details before we provide you with any services.