About Teachers Health Fund

Teachers Health Fund is a not-for profit health insurer designed exclusively for the education community. Established in 1954, Teachers Health Fund is the seventh largest private health insurer in Australia and the largest of all 'restricted access' health funds.

Teachers Health Fund

Who is eligible?

Teachers Health Fund is a restricted health fund which means you must meet eligibility criteria in order to join Teachers Health Fund. Eligible members include:

Teachers and academics

If you are or were a full-time, part-time or student member of any of the following education unions:

  1.New South Wales Teachers Federation

  2.Australian Education Union (AEU) and affiliated unionsn

  3.Independent Education Union (IEU) and affiliated unions

  4.National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU)

  5.State School Teachers Union of Western Australia (SSTUWA)

  6.Institute of Senior Education Administrators NSW (SEANSW)

Administration and support staff

  1.A member of the Institute of Senior Education Administrators NSW (SEANSW)

  2.A current or former staff member employed by the NSW Department of Education and Training, The Office of the NSW Board of Studies, the Institute of Teachers or in the TAFE Commission, who is (or was) a member of an appropriate union, where one exists.

  3.A current or former employee of the NSW Teachers Federation or Teachers Mutual Bank (formerly known as Teachers Credit Union) who is (or was) a member of an appropriate union, where one exists.

Family members

The family of existing Teachers Health Fund members are also eligible to join. Eligible family members of the primary member include:

  1.A partner or former partner, including same-sex and de facto partners

  2.Dependant and adult children, including their partner and children

  3.Siblings, including their partners and children




You can join Teachers Health Fund via our simple and secure online application. You'll need your Medicare card. Or call 1800 784 772 and one of our consultants will help with your application.

Making payments

iSelect offers the following payment options for Teachers Health Fund policies:

> Direct Debit from your bank account

Payment frequency

> Fortnightly

> Monthly

> Annually


Teachers Health Fund allows you to claim in a number of different ways for extras benefits.

>Swipe your Teachers Health Fund membership card to claim on the spot. This is called the Health Industry Claims and Payment Service (HICAPS) or the IBA (EFTPOS claiming) system

>Claim through online member services

>Post your claim form

>Email your claim